Different Experiences with two GP consults.

general practice Jul 30, 2018

So.. I had an interesting experience.

On Wednesday I was consulting.

The patient came in and said, "Gee, Tom. I think I've got Addison's."

Now if you're a GP or GP reg, you would realize that it's probably relatively unlikely.

So I go, "Great. I'm going to cut across to my key feature checklist," and I found no Addison's disease.

And I'm like, "Ahh, this is no good. What happened to my Addison's disease?"

So it's in production...

We haven't got it out yet.

But I then was stuck with the issue of going, "Okay, now I have to go to Murtagh's, I have to look up the web what's going on. Okay, that's right.

This is what Addison's about."

I got through it and I good reassure them  "I don't think you've got Addison's."

"But what was left for me, is the initial usefulness of the key feature checklist, if it had been there, was something that really powerful... I was like, "Damn, okay I've got to keep working on these things."

Now, today I had a different experience, which was pretty cool.

A patient comes and they're complaining of their feet going white.

And I was like, "Hmm.

I wonder if that could be Raynaud's phenomenon.

" So I look it up, and they did not describe the classic white/blue/red phenomena, but nonetheless, it

was still extremely useful to bring up that key feature checklist, going through, have a look, reassure

them "No, I don't think you've got Raynaud's."


The difference for me as the GP was just a level of confidence and a level of smoothness through the consult where the checklist was available, versus the one where I had to do the traditional search for information to remind myself of a disease that is not common.

Addison's is not something that we're usually faced with in general practice.

It's not hypertension, or hypercholesterolemia or any of that common stuff.

It's a rarity.

So it was a very distinct difference to be able to go to the Raynaud's checklist versus the Addison's missing checklist.

Nonetheless, if you are interested in this, I'm bringing out and we will continue to build

And you as a GP will be be able to get access and I'll be announcing that in the coming weeks.

So I hope you guys are having an awesome day, and I look forward to seeing you on future Graduate Medicine trainings.

For future updates, please check out our website at Graduatemedicine.com


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